Sunday, June 5, 2011


Earthworms are present in almost every type of soil but the healthier the soil the
greater the numbers. A healthy soil permits lots of air and moisture, 
both of which are needed by the earthworm for a continued existence. Earthworms have no lungs like you or me but instead breathe through their skin. Their whole skin absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. 
They also need moisture to assist them in respiration but too much moisture is not good for them. 
A garden without earthworms would miss out on all of the great benefits that they bring to it. Their first job is to till the soil by tunneling through it. 
Tunnels created allow air and moisture to pass easily through the soil, creating a healthy environment for plants. Tunnels retain water that the plants can take up and also hold air to help bacteria break down organic matter within the soil. 

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